Places you Can Adopt an Animal These organizations can advise you about adopting a dog, cat, bird, iguana, etc. in New York City, or on Long Island. Don«t get evicted from your apartment: find out whether your landlord, coop, or condo has prohibitions on pets
Manhattan ASPCA 424 East 94th Street @ York Avenue Tel: (212) 876-7700
Bide-A-Wee 410 East 38th Street @ 1st Avenue Tel: (212) 532-4455
The Humane Society 306 East 59th Street @ 2nd Avenue Tel: (212) 752-4280
Nassau County
North Shore Animal League 25 Davis Avenue, Port Washington, NY 11050 Tel: (516) 883-7575 Please note that any reference to the organizations listed is for informational purposes only. Your are strongly cautioned to read the disclaimer. |